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The Blacklist and


In the 1940s, Lena Horne was a well-known celebrity who was part of many activist groups. These groups were full of Communists. She was never a Communist herself, but she was guilty by association and was blacklisted. Lena was unable to work in television or film, but fought to clear her name by refusing to be associated with Communists, among other things. Her reputation was restored slowly, and after some years she was back on television.

the blacklist and




Charlie Chaplin was suspicious in the government's eyes because his films were seen as subversive. He donated money to the Hollywood Ten defense fund, so he was denounced as a Communist sympathizer. The FBI made a file on him that was over 2,000 pages long. In 1952, he was denied entry into the US because he needed to testify his "moral worth". He never set foot in America again after that.


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